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Tags Input

Render tags inside an input, followed by an actual text input.



  • Type in the input and press enter to add tags
  • Delete tags
  • Disable everything or disable specific tags
  • Option to only allow unique tags
  • Keyboard navigation


  • Root: The root container for the tags input
  • Tag: The tag container for an individual tag
  • Delete Trigger: The button container, to delete an individual tag
  • Edit: An edit container, to edit an individual tag
  • Input: The input textbox for adding new tags


Use the createTagsInput builder function.

See API Reference > createTagsInput for all available props.
    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, melt } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const {
    /* ... */
  } = createTagsInput()
    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, melt } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const {
    /* ... */
  } = createTagsInput()

Use the return values to construct a tags-input.

    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, melt } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  // This is a subset of return values
  const {
    elements: { root, input, tag, deleteTrigger, edit },
    states: { tags }
  } = createTagsInput()
<div use:melt={$root}>
  {#each $tags as t}
    <div use:melt={$tag(t)}>
      <button use:melt={$deleteTrigger(t)}>x</button>
    <div use:melt={$edit(t)}>{t.value}</div>
  <input use:melt={$input} type="text" />
    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, melt } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  // This is a subset of return values
  const {
    elements: { root, input, tag, deleteTrigger, edit },
    states: { tags }
  } = createTagsInput()
<div {...$root} use:root>
  {#each $tags as t}
    <div {...$tag(t)} use:tag>
      <button {...$deleteTrigger(t)} use:deleteTrigger>x</button>
    <div {...$edit(t)} use:edit>{t.value}</div>
  <input {...$input} use:input type="text" />

Adding a tag

An add function may be passed into the builder. It is called and awaited prior to adding the tag to the $tags store.

It provides you the ability to validate the input value, set a custom id, for example from a backend or 3rd-party API, or update the value to always be uppercase, lowercase, etc.

The function definition is:

    fn: (tag: string) => Tag | string | Promise<Tag | string>
    fn: (tag: string) => Tag | string | Promise<Tag | string>

whereby tag is the input value.

A tag is an object that consists of an id and value

On resolve, if a string is returned, an id will be internally generated. The same happens when a Tag without an id is returned.

On reject or error, the input is invalidated and not added to the store.

The following example sets the id via a third-party API call and forces the tag to always be uppercase.

    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const tagsInput = createTagsInput({
    add: async (v: string) => {
      const response = await fetch('')
      if (!response.ok) throw new Error('HTTP error ' + response.status)
      const data = await response.json()
      if (!Array.isArray(data) || data.length < 1) {
        throw new Error('Failed to get id')
      return { id: data[0], value: v.toUpperCase() }
    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const tagsInput = createTagsInput({
    add: async (v: string) => {
      const response = await fetch('')
      if (!response.ok) throw new Error('HTTP error ' + response.status)
      const data = await response.json()
      if (!Array.isArray(data) || data.length < 1) {
        throw new Error('Failed to get id')
      return { id: data[0], value: v.toUpperCase() }

Updating a tag

An update function may be passed into the builder. It is called and awaited prior to updating a tag in $tags store, following an edit.

It provides the ability do something before a tag is updated, such as updating the value in a backend database, setting a new id, or simply manipulating the value to be added.

The function definition is:

    fn: (tag: Tag) => Tag | Promise<Tag>.
    fn: (tag: Tag) => Tag | Promise<Tag>.
A tag is an object that consists of an id and value

tag.value will be the new (edited) value, while will be the existing id.

On reject or error the tag is not updated.

The following example uses the existing id and sets the value to uppercase

    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, type Tag } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const tagsInput = createTagsInput({
    update: async (tag: Tag) => {
      return { id:, value: tag.value.toUpperCase() }
    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, type Tag } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const tagsInput = createTagsInput({
    update: async (tag: Tag) => {
      return { id:, value: tag.value.toUpperCase() }

Removing a tag

An asynchronous remove function may be passed into the builder. It is called and awaited prior to removing the tag from the $tags store.

It provides the ability do something before the tag is removed from $tags store, such as deleting the tag from a backend database.

The function definition is:

    fn: (tag: Tag) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
    fn: (tag: Tag) => boolean | Promise<boolean>

whereby tag is the tag to be removed from the $tags store.

A tag is an object that consists of an id and value

On reject, error or false, the tag is not removed from the store.

The following example disallows a tag with the value one to be deleted.

    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, type Tag } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const tagsInput = createTagsInput({
    tags: ['one', 'two'],
    remove: async (t: Tag) => {
      if (t.value === 'one') return false
      return true
    <script lang="ts">
  import { createTagsInput, type Tag } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  const tagsInput = createTagsInput({
    tags: ['one', 'two'],
    remove: async (t: Tag) => {
      if (t.value === 'one') return false
      return true

API Reference


The builder function used to create the tags input component.


Prop Default Type / Description
disabled false

Whether or not the tags input is disabled.

placeholder -

The placeholder text for the input element.

editable true

Whether or not the input is editable.

selected -

The selected tag.

unique false

Whether or not the tags input should only allow unique tags.

trim true

Whether or not whitespace from both ends of input string should be removed when a tag is added.

blur true

Whether or not the input should blur when a tag is added.

addOnPaste false

Whether or not the input should add tags on paste.

maxTags Infinity

The maximum number of tags allowed.

allowed []

The allowed tags.

denied []

The disallowed tags.

add -
(tag: string) => Promise<Tag | string>

A function that adds a tag.

remove -
(tag: Tag) => Promise<boolean>

A function that removes a tag.

update -
(tag: Tag) => Promise<Tag>

A function that updates a tag.

defaultTags -
string[] | Tag[]

The default tags to populate the tags input with.

tags -

A writable store that controls the tags.

See Bring Your Own Store

onTagsChange -

A function that is called when the tags change.

See Change Functions


Element Description

The builder store used to create the tags input root.

The builder store used to create the tags input input.

The builder store used to create the tags input tag.

The builder store used to create the tags input delete trigger.

The builder store used to create the tags input edit.


State Description

A derived store that returns the tags.


A derived store that returns the value of the input element.


A derived store that returns whether or not the input element is invalid.


A derived store that returns the selected tag.


Helper Description

A derived store that returns a function that checks if a tag is selected.


A method that returns if a input would be valid according to the props defined in the builder.


A method that attempts to add a tag, the same as if a user tried to.


A method that attempts to update a tag, the same as if a user tried to.


A method that attempts to remove a tag, the same as if a user tried to.


Option Description

Whether or not the tags input is disabled.


The placeholder text for the input element.


Whether or not the input is editable.


The selected tag.


Whether or not the tags input should only allow unique tags.


Whether or not whitespace from both ends of input string should be removed when a tag is added.


Whether or not the input should blur when a tag is added.


Whether or not the input should add tags on paste.


The maximum number of tags allowed.


The allowed tags.


The disallowed tags.


A function that adds a tag.


A function that removes a tag.


A function that updates a tag.


The root tags input component.

Data Attributes

Data Attribute Value

Present when the tags input is disabled.


Present if the tags input is focused.


Present if the tags input is invalid.


Present if the tags input is invalid while editing a tag.


Present on all tags input elements.

Custom Events

Event Value
m-mousedown (e: ) => void


The tag components.


Prop Default Type / Description
id * -

A unique ID for the tag

value * -

The tag's value

disabled false

Whether or not the tag is disabled.

Data Attributes

Data Attribute Value

The unique ID of the tag


The value of the tag


Present when the tag is disabled.


Present if the tag is being edited.


Present when the tag is selected.


Present on all tag elements.

Custom Events

Event Value
m-mousedown (e: ) => void
m-click (e: ) => void
m-dblclick (e: ) => void


The button component used to delete a tag.


Prop Default Type / Description
id * -

The tag ID the delete trigger will delete.

value * -

The tag value the delete trigger will delete.

disabled false

Whether or not the delete trigger is disabled.

Data Attributes

Data Attribute Value

The unique ID of the tag associated with the delete trigger


The value of the tag associated with the delete trigger.


Present when the delete trigger is disabled.


Present when the delete trigger is selected.


Present if the tag is being edited.


Present on all delete trigger elements.

Custom Events

Event Value
m-click (e: ) => void
m-keydown (e: ) => void


The button component used to edit a tag.


Prop Default Type / Description
id * -

The tag ID the edit trigger will edit.

value * -

The tag value the edit trigger will edit.

Data Attributes

Data Attribute Value

The unique ID of the tag associated with the edit component


The value of the tag associated with the edit component.


Present on all edit elements.

Custom Events

Event Value
m-blur (e: ) => void
m-keydown (e: ) => void
m-input (e: ) => void


The hidden input element used for form submission.

Data Attributes

Data Attribute Value

Present when the input is disabled.


Present if the input is focused.


Present if the input is invalid.


Present on all input elements.

Custom Events

Event Value
m-focus (e: ) => void
m-blur (e: ) => void
m-paste (e: ) => void
m-keydown (e: ) => void
m-input (e: ) => void


Key Behavior

When focused on the input, adds the tag. When focused on a tag, the tag becomes editable. Pressing enter again saves the tag.


When focused on a tag, deletes it and moves focus to the right.


When focused on an empty input, focuses on the last tag. When focused on a tag, deletes it and moves focus to the left-side tag. If there are no tags to the left, either the next tags gets focus, or the input.


Moves focus to the next element, be it a tag or input.


Moves focus to the previous tag.