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Learn how to use Svelte and other custom transitions and animations with Melt.

By default, the visibility of most elements you'd want to apply transitions to is controlled by Melt internally. We set the element's hidden attribute to true, and the display to none when the open state is false. We do this to prevent flickering when the component is first rendered.

However, while this works well for those who don't want to use transitions or animations, it can degrade the quality for those who do, so we provide a way to disable this behavior and manage visibility yourself.

Force Visible

For builders that hide/show elements by default, we provide a forceVisible prop that if set to true, will prevent Melt from toggling the visibility of the element and place the responsibility of showing/hiding the element on you.

The elements which accept this prop will return an open store that you can use manage visibility of the element using #if blocks, which will allow you to apply transitions and animations.

At a high level, here's how you could use the forceVisible prop with the Collapsible builder.

    <script lang="ts">
  import { createCollapsible, melt } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  import { slide } from 'svelte/transition'
  const {
    elements: { root, content, trigger },
    states: { open }
  } = createCollapsible({
    forceVisible: true
<div use:melt={$root}>
  <button use:melt={$trigger} aria-label="Toggle"> Open </button>
  {#if $open}
    <div use:melt={$content} transition:slide>Collapsible content</div>
    <script lang="ts">
  import { createCollapsible, melt } from '@melt-ui/svelte'
  import { slide } from 'svelte/transition'
  const {
    elements: { root, content, trigger },
    states: { open }
  } = createCollapsible({
    forceVisible: true
<div {...$root} use:root>
  <button {...$trigger} use:trigger aria-label="Toggle"> Open </button>
  {#if $open}
    <div {...$content} use:content transition:slide>Collapsible content</div>

As you can see we're using the forceVisible prop to prevent Melt from toggling the visibility of the content element, and instead we're using the open store to manage the visibility ourselves. This way we can use the #if block to apply the slide transition.